#Covid19 Survival Essentials: Homemade Ice-cream without a Machine

Hi All.

The world has changed drastically since my last post. Everyone across the globe has had to make major adjustments to their life in order to continue to exist. Scary, I know. As of today the corona virus in my country, Pakistan, has affected almost 94,000 people.  Hard to believe but some countries have it even worse, while others such as New Zealand are recovering.

Looking back at my last couple of blog posts, it seems I was already prepared for self isolation and quarantine, as I see people now making banana bread and baking a ton of fun things at home; things I was making and blogging about a year earlier. Yes, what you people now know as quarantine life was my regular life (just saying).

Read more: Simple Banana Bread recipe


Other than not being able to order food, or going for the occasional lunch and dinner with family or friends, life is pretty much the same. Oh I did get married and moved away from home but my self isolation lifestyle hasn’t changed much.  Sadly this new house of mine has oven issues so baking at present it out of the question. I am cooking a lot which to be honest I am not very good at, but have to do since my survival depends on it.

I do continue to make sweets and desserts every chance I get. I made a very simple chocolate chip ice cream for my husband’s birthday, since cake was no longer an option (couldn’t get one from the store neither could bake one).

Read more: Make Donuts at home with this simple recipe

Since this blog is so far just me rambling about nothing in particular, I will make it worth your while and share how I made my ice cream. It is extremely easy to make and manages to satisfy all your cravings. The base is very easy to make and you can use it to make any flavor you want. If you aren’t a chocolate fan, you can replace it with whatever you like, fruity flavors like strawberries, mangoes, bananas even cherries have all turn out really great.

What you need:

  • Whipping cream (I used Milk pak whipping cream) 1 pack
  • Condensed milk                                                             ¼ cup
  • Melted chocolate                                                           150 gm
  • Butter                                                                              2 tbsp
  • Vanilla essence                                                              ½ tsp
  • Chocolate chips                                                             as much as you want!
  • Salt                                                                                   a pinch
  • Lemon juice                                                                    1 tsp

What to do:

Whip up your whipping cream and condensed milk together until you get soft peaks. Please be very careful not to over whip or you will end up with sweet butter which I don’t know how you can use (maybe spread on toast?)  This is your base. You can use this to make a variety of different flavors.

Set aside your carefully whipped whipping cream and condensed milk mixture. Now in a bowl melt chocolate and butter together. You can either bain-marie or put it in a microwave at 15 second intervals, stirring in between. Again don’t over heat your chocolate or it will seize.

Once the butter and chocolate is melted, give it a little stir to cool it down a little. Add lemon juice to the chocolate ( it adds a little freshness to your otherwise rich decadent sauce).

Next add vanilla essence and salt to your whipped cream. And slowly pour in the chocolate sauce gradually folding it in.

Once it is fully combined, add in your chocolate chips. You can also cut up some chocolate and use those bits if you don’t have chips ( I did that).

Give is final mix and scoop a big spoon and taste test. Then put in the freezer to chill for at least four to five hours.

Serve and enjoy!

Do let me know if you try it out.


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