
This is a lifestyle blog. If you do agree to spend some of your quality time navigating our many many many blog posts, I promise to make it worth your while. You can find reviews of many popular food cafes and restaurants around Karachi, movies to watch, books to read etc.

Going forward you can also expect to read about me, attempting to make a variety of  treats that will indulge your sweet tooth. Guest blogs, from people who share their experiences with food, travel and other reviews will also be featured.

If you would like to connect with me, you welcome to leave a message.

You can find me on Twitter : @Sidra_Rizvi

Facebook: SidraRizviSays

Instagram: Sidrarizvi

You can also email me at sidrarizvi6@gmail.com

8 thoughts on “About

  1. AOA.
    A friend of mine is arranging a Iftar dinner at PC to promote a brand product and was hoping to invite food bloggers, critics to the event to blog about the event and the product. Gift hampers will be given to the bloggers as well. would you be interested?

  2. Hello Sidra, I’m an internationally published author. My debut novel Equinox is a western based fantasy romance (dedicated to the nuns) for adults/young adults. It is available on Amazon US, Amazon IN, all over India, Flipcart, Kindle, infibeams, OM books and Liberty books Karachi. It’s for the first time that a Pakistani Hindu female has ever written a book and that too nothing about how bad situation in our country is or how my journey from India to Pakistan has left me shattered. But, really this is not why I’m writing to you. Would you be interested in reading my book and writing a review for it. I don’t know how to promote it. I just want everyone to know that women here can write and they can write romance and fantasy too. Nothing is lost….I’m trying to change the stereotypical writing style and bring a change. Would you help me?

    Heena Jadav Sunil

  3. There aren’t much likes on your facebook page
    But your reviews are interesting,well i must admit

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